Sacred Word
Proclaiming the Scripture
The Sacred Word group is asked to reflect on the meaning of the Scripture for us in our context and create a way to share this sacred text in a multi-sensory way. The group is challenged to find a way that we can see (and possibly touch and smell!) as well as hear the story.
This could be through retelling, creating a liquid picture or freeze frame, creating puppets or finding or drawing images to help those gathered in prayer to gain a better understanding of the text.
"If you enjoy getting creative – acting, movement, puppets, props – and you feel confident to help others understand the story by using your whole body to help - then this might be the team for you. Everyone in this group will be involved in sharing".
The Sacred Word group is invited to collaborate with the Sacred Space creators to share their ideas.
Resources required:
This group may benefit from having an iPad or laptop to have a look at examples of Liquid Pictures or other dramatisation techniques. The group may require some materials for costumes/ props etc. or ways to share images.